5) my 5th quilt

 This is my 5th quilt for this portfolio, but for all intents and purposes I was making tons of quilts behind the scenes. I was making them for friends, sisters, my parents both got quilts. Quilts were flying out of my house so fast it was like I was a one woman sweat shop. My husband was getting ready to deploy to Iraq yet again, so he was working all the time while he and his new unit got ready to go. I had lots of time on my hands yet again. After the kiddos went to sleep I quilted.

I made this quilt for the Christmas Bazaar that was held on FT Hood. I also made some bags. The bags sold quickly, but my quilts did not find homes. No one wanted to pay $100. Well, they did find a home with me and they have been well loved and well used.

 This is the same inset star from the Olivia quilt. I also put some uniform in this quilt. Each star center is a square of BDU.

 I had discovered King Tut Verigated thread, and it is still my favorite. Especially this yellow. It just glows.

I put my favorite quote on the back "I had cast my lot with a soldier and where he was was home to me." I love that. It is from the book "Vanished Arizona"  by Martha Summerhayes about a Nantucket woman who married a Cavalry officer and moved with him to various Army posts in the late 19th century. Great book, great quote.

6) my sixth quilt


4) My fourth quilt