7) My seventh quilt - a memory quilt

 So, I made this one for my husband when he was deployed to Iraq the second time. I had a local photographer take out pictures in the Texas Blue Bonnets and have them printed out on fabric instead of the regular film. They looked so good! But with washings they have faded quite a bit. So sad. We really haven't even used this quilt that much because I was afraid of fading.

 It was a freezing cold day and Sam had a raging ear infection, but the blue bonnets were only going to be pretty for a couple more days and we had to do it then or never.

 I was able to finish this one so my husband could take it back to Iraq with him after R&R.

 I was also making Dear Jane blocks, and some of them are in this quilt. Jane Stickle's husband was at war and so was my husband, so we bonded.

 I also cut up a bunch of the kids clothing and put them in this quilt.

 Thar red plaid star was actually from the same outfit Sam was wearing in the pictures.

I appliqued the mountains onto the quilt using both an adhesive and stitching. It is quilted all over with a verigated cotton thread from King Tut.


8) My 8th quilt - Norberta the Green Dragon


6) my sixth quilt