Hayes baby quilt

 Hey there! I am way behind with posting finished quilts on this blog! Wow! I must have been sewing instead of blogging. This is the Hayes quilt I finished for my daughter's teacher. I can't tell you haw thrilled I am with the quilting on this little quilt. I have wanted to do all over feather/vines since the first time I saw them and I am so excited to add this technique to my little quilting arsenal.

I am quilting 2 Quilts of Valor this week, I am almost finished with the first one, but I may try this with the second one. The piecing on both quilts is quite simple and I think the quilting can really shine without being too distracting. We will see if I change my mind when I load the quilt. Sometimes I totally change my mind when I load quilts up and see them all spread out.

I hope this little quilts brings the Hayes family a bit of Joy....I know their sweet little boy already has!

 She also ordered a diaper bag to go with the quilt.

Another quilt for John - Joel Dewberry


trying new things