QOV #3

  Hey there!How are you doing? So very much has been going on around our house. So many quilts, so many birthday parties and some sewing days tossed in. Jennifer sent me this QOV top to quilt. I adore Jennifer. I made some bags for her years ago, but before that she sent me coffee while we lived in Australia and were getting ready for our Quiltathon.  What a treat that was! You never know how much you miss things until you just can't get them. Anyway, I have felt like I have know her for ages...even though we really didn't in real life. But then we got to real life meet up in Dallas when we both attended a workshop with Gwen Marston. I love Gwen Marston. Really I do.

OK, I have been trying to type this blog for almost an hour and I just keep getting pulled away from the computer. How about we just look at some quilting pictures?

 I am pretty excited about this fern-swirl. I taught myself how to quilt it after seeing it on Pinterest.

 I wanted to incorporate feathers, but I wanted it to be masculine too. Since it is a QOV odds are that it will go to a man. So, feathers, spikey swirls, organic lines, pearls and loops are on this quilt.

This is the one thing I am not wild about...all the thread play in the feather on the red background. But in a way I love it too...I love all the shadow it creates. Anyway, I hope it brings some comfort to a wounded service person. Keep them in your prayers. Each day dawns on life-changing new injuries for our young soldiers and marines. Even if it is not in the news, it is still happening.

A quilt for Wool -n-cotton


Mary's Swoon Quilt