Hero Quilt

 Hey there! I am making a Hero quilt for the Windorski family. Karin and I have been working together to come up with a quilt that represents Philip and the 3 men who were killed with him. Needless to say it has been sad work, but I want this quilt to be just right. Karin wants 4 large gold stars on the quilt. I love stars. They are one of the most popular shapes in quilting, right? Well, 5 point stars are quite difficult. I was going to use Lily's Army Star, but I could not figure out how to make the star really big. I am no technical wizard.  SO I went hunting for a suitable block. I scoured the Internet and could not find anything I liked. I finally went to my Library and I would this book. I checked it out because I wanted to learn more about Civil war era quilts, but as I was flipping through it at home I noticed all the 5 point stars! Hot dog!

 The template was still too small and my printer was not able to enlarge the pattern big enough form me.

 Good thing there is a "reproduction center" around the corner. I had it blown up and printed on Blueprint paper. Pretty cool, huh?

So this is where I am now. I still think I am going to have to tweak the final block some, but so far I think they will be just fine. I will be putting these 4 stars together with Philips flight suit.

I have a new sewing machine


Welsh Quilting with my Long Arm