Ed Emberley Quilt

 Guten Morgin!  How are you all doing? I wanted to show you this set of pictures of the Ed Emberley Quilt I quilted for Michelle Engel Bencsko of Cloud 9 fabric. It is out of their Ed Emberley collection named Happy Drawing.  Isn't it fun?

 I did not grow up with Ed Emberley illustrations much to my disappointment now. I guess we were living somewhere exotic where he did not publish? I can't tell you how many times my little boys came out to the quilting studio to comment on different characters in this quilt. I loved watching their eyes travel over the quilt and make up stories in their minds about what was happening with all the forest animals and dragons.

My middle son, Ethan (who is 9) liked the crocodiles best. He wanted to know if Michelle had been to Darwin? I asked why? He said that She must have since she knows just what all the crocs look like lined up waiting for the slaughter house run off. They do look rather merry, don't they?

** When we lived in Australia, there was a slaughter house up in Darwin that dumped it's run off into the area waterways. Needless to say the rivers and ponds were rather dangerous places filled with saltwater crocs waiting for their meal delivery of cow hooves and legs. Well, the slaughter house shut down (maybe for it's unsavory practices??) and all these massive saltwater crocodiles were left without steady meals, so they had to disperse into the ranch land and find their own live cows to dine on. The Northern Territory News paper was always filled with stories of giant crocodiles eating people and animals.

 So, I quilted this sweet quilt with loops. Lots and lots of loops.

 I bound the quilt with fabric from the dragon print.

 I just love how fun the fabric is! Giraffes at the waterhole. Dragons and bats frolicking among the wild flowers.

Elephants, frogs and forest critters...it is all happening in Happy Drawing. Lynn made some of the cutest dresses with this line. and there are also some awesome little boys shirts made out of it as well! They will be on display at Quilt Market.


Seven Seas Quilt for Cloud 9 Fabric


Texas flag quilts make pretty good farewell gifts