Mary's Quilt

Good Morning Folks! How are you doing? I hope you are good and not tired of looking at this quilt yet. I love it. I love Mary's piecing and I love how the quilting turned out!

The blue in the vines is my chalk marking pen. It will wash out. I am pretty crazy for feathery vines right now.

I did feathery vines in the white background and Welsh leaves in the blocks.

I love the back of the quilt. It is going to be so awesome when it is washed.
 So, I have been thinking....about straight lines. With my long arm I can do pretty straight horizontal and vertical lines, but forget it with diagonal lines. I have the rulers and a throat platform to attach to my long arm and I have tried to make them straight, but for this quilt I went with organic sketchy lines around the blocks. Personally, I love how hand drawn they look. I think I will make them my signature.

There are many many quilters who have computers associated with their machines and they do beautiful...dare I say perfect work. Not me. I am very human and so is my quilting. At this time in my life, I don't have the energy or desire to learn how to  use one of the fancy systems. I am very happy with my massive 21 year old machine. Maybe down the road I will have the drive to be more perfect, I will look into it then.

 I did two different types of leaves in the blocks. This set is a more traditional and the one above is kinda like a cocoon.

Mary's little red squares remind me of this quilt by Gwen Marston. I think it may be my very favorite Gwen Marson quilt. Her quilter went wild with the quilting, didn't she? I adore how exciting the quilting is. It is not straight or perfect, it is totally awesome though.

Happy Military Spouse Day if you are one! My husband is coming to take me to I better get a move on if I am going to hit the post office first!


Julie's Space Quilt


Quilting in the rain