A quilt for Yahaira

 Hey there! How are you all doing? I hope your weekend was a good one and you had the chance to thank a veteran for keeping this great nation free and brave. I did.

OK, lets chat about the quilt that I am working on right now. I am almost finished with it actually, I just need to do a bit of fill in quilting and go back and finish the spots I didn't quite know what to quilt. Yahaira sent me a beautiful star quilt top. Each star was pieced with tiny half square triangles and she wanted the quilt to be quilted in a Welsh style. I LOVE Welsh quilting. In my opinion Welsh quilting is classic, but can also be so modern and unexpected. Gwen Marston has been influenced quite a bit by Welsh quilting...you can see it throughout many of her books. I adore Gwen Marston....but I bet you already know that.

OK, so after I got Yahaira's quilt top I sketched out a really crude idea as to what I wanted to do to it. I sent it to her with a another picture of a quilt that I am working on for my own delight (but I have fizzled since I have so very many other things to finish before we move).

 I wanted to give her an example of Welsh Medallions. I think they are great and quite versatile.

 So here it is this morning....I think it is so pretty resting there in the sunlight.

 I have not quilted much in her pieced triangles for 2 reasons. The first one is that I don't want to take anything away from them and all the work piecing them. I stitched in the ditch and I may go back and add another line. The second reason is because of the seam intersections. It is a reality of quilting....the intersections are quite hard to quilt around. It is beautifully pieced, it is just tricky to quilt.

 I did some fiddle head ferns around the half medallions.

 The arced boarder was so fun to quilt.

And here is one of the full medallions. So, I am almost finished, but I have to meet my little guy for a field trip to the planetarium today. After that I should be able to finish it up....and work on some teacher gifts.

I want to talk to you about thimbles soon too! I made some leather ones and I really like them.



Julie's Space Quilt