Things are bigger in Texas

I finished a very large project today. A couple months ago I was contacted by a lady who wanted a king sized Texas flag quilt. No sweat. I can do that. But, instead of white, she wanted snow leopard fabric. Well....ok ( I had to hunt for good snow leopard fabric all over the internet, but I was sure I had seen some somewhere) I can do that too. 

Here is a shot of just the quilt top. Pretty big, isn't it? 

Here is the quilt after is was quilted.

And here is a bit of the quilting detail. I love quilting this way.

Here is a shot of the back. 9 yards of Kona Coal. I love that grey. 

I really want you to see the texture on this quilt. The lady I made the quilt for wanted the quilt to be very puffy. I used 2 layers of wool batting for this quilt. I love quilting with wool batting. Magic happens when you pass your needle through wool. Really, it does. If you have never quilted with wool you really should give it a go. Wool batting can also be quite heavy, and 2 layers of wool make for a very heavy quilt. But the wonderful thing about wool is how well it breathes. It is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Hooray for wool!

So, here it is on a bed (my bed...but only for this picture)

And here is the star side. That is a BIG quilt folks. I wish many sweet dreams beneath this quilt to it's new owner. Now, I just need to find a box big enough to send it on it's way.

Here is a sneak peek at the next quilt I am working on for Rebecca. I need to add some more feathers in that open spot. And I have 3 bags under way as well. I feel like my little sewing studio has never seen such action. Good times...I love it! 

Oh and I get to go to a workshop with Denyse Schmidt on Friday! I can't wait! I need to figure out which of all my fabric is my favorite and only bring a quarter yard of it. Now, that will be a hard decision!

Happy quilting folks!


Improv piecing workshop with Denyse Schmidt


My Sewing for Quilt Market - Type by Julia Rothman