Emma the giver

I have to brag on my Emma for a quick second. Emma made this quilt all by herself. She even designed and did most of the quilting with my long arm. We finished it back when we lived in Texas. Well, it has been doing its thing on one of our shelves. We don't have any people in our family this size anymore so no real need for this size quilt. Well, Emma's 5th grade class adopted a family in need this Christmas. She was in charge of gifts for the 4 month old baby. She worked hard to earn money to go out and buy a couple outfits for the child and then she insisted on giving the family a quilt. No sweat. We can do that....on the morning that all the items were due at the school I noticed that Emma was ready much earlier than normal and was already out in the van looking might guilty. Whats up Emma? Nothing, lets go. Then I noticed all the bags around her feet. She had packed up 7 quilts to give away to this family. I asked her if she thought 7 quilts were a little much? Probably so. So, just this one went to live with the baby. She has really good taste in quilts I must say. She had all my favorites folded up ready to hand out. God Belss her.


Ghastlie Quilt for Julie


A modern quilt?