Another lovely quilt for Julie

Hey there folks! How are you doing? I hope your new year is off to a grand beginning. We had a great visit with my parents and sister over the holidays, but it is back to business here. I finished this delightful quilt for Julie yesterday.

She told me to do whatever I wanted to do on I did. I loved her curvy piecing in the blocks, so I echoed the quilt lines within the blocks. I am mad for doodle quilting right now, and the swirls tend to remind me of wind and waves, so I quilted swirls, bubbles and some straight lines in the cream background.

I am quite pleased with how this quilt turned out and I hope her niece loves it.

Here I am quilting away on Julie's quilt. We made a video, but I am too dumb to figure out how to upload it. Pathetic right? As you can see my long arm is pretty big. It is a 36 inch machine....well I have big and exciting news! I will be getting another long arm to go in my studio! All the dust has yet to settle on the deal, but We have rearranged and are ready for the new machine. It will be a fancy Gammill Statler Stitcher, so I will be taking my quilting to the next level. I will still be doing custom hand guided quilting, but I will also be offering computerized quilting for speedy all over designs and more precise heirloom type custom quilting. And....I will be renting out time on this machine. So...if you are in the area and have thought about quilting your own quilt with a long arm or want to try one out before buying one please give me a shout and I will send you class information and the times that are available for hourly use. We will have lots of fun.

I am back in my quilting groove!


Quilt of Valor