QuiltCon Modern Charity Quilt

Happy Sunday Morning folks! I sure hope it is warmer wherever you are than it is here. Wow. Cold Cold Cold. I got to quilt one of the Quilcon Charity quilts last week. For those of you who don't know Quiltcon is going on next month in Austin, TX. There was a big to-do where modern quilters from all over the world sent in "modern" blocks in the pallet above trying to have their block be the logo for quilt con...I think. Sadly, while I have tired to follow along, I have had a zillion other things going on in my mind and life. So I am sure I actually knew facts about quiltcon in the past, but since I can't attend I s=did a bit on a memory dump to make room for other things. SO if you are going, please have a great time. I kinda wish I was...but with 3 kids and a husband who is gone most of the time I just couldn't swing it. Maybe next year. So Please go to the Quiltcon website and find out all there is to know about it.

Back to this quilt. It is made up of the blocks that weren't selected as block winners and it will be given as a charity quilt to the children of Austin....again I am probably making that up but when I scoured the depths of my mind that is what I came up with. Personally I think there are some really great blocks in this quilt. I am sad for the judges who had to pick the winner! Too many great blocks to choose from!

So, I am part of KCMQG (Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild) and I got to quilt this quilt. Monica collected the donated blocks and pieced the top and Marilyn made the back of the quilt.

It was a bit tricky to think of HOW I was going to quilt this quilt....I really didn't want to overwhelm the blocks, but I also knew the quilt would be going to a child so hopefully it will be washed a zillion times, pulled around a house, laid out in the yard, thrown up on...you know the things most quilts have done to them. I wanted it to be strong so I wanted dense quilting.

I chose a different background filler for each segment and quilted the blocks within.

I used matching thread for most of the quilting....there are a couple spots I got lazy in.

Overall I love it. I am so happy with how it turned out. I just need to bind it and get it to Jamie so she can stick the label on it.

I love the top and bottom....

Here is the wonderful back. I wonder if I should wash and dry it after binding it? I feel that is a key step in quilt making.

I have so many things to blog about...maybe my next post will need to just be a bulleted list.


Stuff I am up to


Marjorie Horton on Simply Quilts