Raylene's Navy QOV

Hey there! Here is the first real quilt I have finished with the new Statler Stitcher. I used a combination of computer designs and hand guided free motion.

Since the quilt is going to a sailor, I wanted the background to look like water...the swirls and pebbles once again fill the bill.

For the two Nave Stars I selected a block design from my Statler.

The wide boarder has cathedral windows and in retrospect I do wish I would have echoed them...but at the time of quilting I didn't. The little boarder just has some back and forth loops that I did free hand.

The log cabins are just ditch stitched. I love the tiny flags that Raylene made in the centers of the log cabins. This quilt was a joy to quilt. Raylene is one of the best piecers I have ever quilted for. Her seams were all so flat and just perfect.

And here is a quick shot of her pieced back. 

What a great quilt!

On my other blog I posted a quick tutorial for my favorite way to make Half Square Triangles. I was trying to explain how I do it over the phone and I just couldn't make the words make sense...so I resorted to my blog! 

OK, back down to the quilting lair! Have a great day!

Some quilts for Cauchy.


Some Edge to edge designs