My little quilting lair

Hi there! Have I ever given you a tour of my quilt lair? I don't think I have. I am sure you have seen little peeks now and then, but let  me take this post to show you around. My studio is in our takes up most of the basement. As you come down the stairs you are greeted with thread and a shelf with junk. I need to sort it.

Across from that is my book shelf, buttons and some favorite fabric.

I like a quilt book. I used to buy them all the time, but that was silly, so I have sold many off on Amazon and I am now down to my real favorites.

If you turn left after coming down the stairs you are greeted by my new Long arm. She will probably be named Queen Elizabeth....we are trying that out to see how it fits. This picture really doesn't show her off very well, but it does show the pretty quilt I am working on right now.

I have always wanted a peg board in my sewing room. I have the hopes of having all my tools right on the wall, organized where I can find them. But now that I have rearranged, the peg board is in a funny place and most of my tools are strewn all over the place.

Behind the Statler Stitcher is some of my fabric stash. I tried to color spectrum it, but lost interest pretty quick unfortunately.

Here are some of my quilt tops that I intend to quilt up someday. I have an old herb drying rack to drape them over. I think old quilt tops are beautiful and there is so much to learn about quilt construction from an old top. I don't put client quilts here.

Here is my other Long arm, Lady June. She is great, but sad that I am not using her as much since the new machine is such a joy to quilt with. I do rent her out if you are in the area and want to quilt your own quilt. Just let me know. More fabric is on the shelves behind her and more quilt blocks waiting to be made into quilts. My design wall is big and wonderful. I am bad about putting blocks up and thinking about them then taking them down and putting them away again. I am about to do the same thing with my "X plus Along" quilt. The blocks are super tedious in my opinion.

Around the way is the guest bedroom and my sewing room. My cutting table is here.

And my sweet big Bernina 820 is over in the corner. I am not thrilled with the placement of her....I am sure to find another spot for her in the future, but I have too much to do to fret with it much right now.

I have more fabric in this room. Most all of this shelf is Heather Ross and Denyse Schmidt.

I know you are probably wondering about my awesome flooring? Well, it is actually vintage 1980s carpeting. It is gross. But it is also magical. No matter what you drop on it instantly disappears...never to be found again. Something special about the color and pattern makes it the perfect camouflage. We should have ripped it up before our household goods arrived, but we were too busy putting in a wood floor upstairs and repainting. The floor down here is a someday later project. In Time is will change.

So that is where I spend a great deal of my day. There is also a bathroom, and storage room, but they aren't that exciting. When you come over I will show you, hows that?

It snowed a bunch yesterday, and the kids have not had school for the past 2 days. In my mind snow days should be spent quilting, but my kids had other ideas. It has been fun playing in the snow with them.

I hope you are all warm and dry. Happy Sewing!



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