Spring Break

OK, this post will be picture heavy. I will return to quilts next post. Spring break was last week. It started out beautiful, so I packed my 3 kids in the car (my husband was off doing Army things, so he did not get to attend our spontaneous road trip to NC) and we took off to see my parents who live in Asheville, NC. Our halfway stop and overnight was Paducah, KY. I timed it perfectly if I do say so myself- to just make it to the last 2 hours of the Quilt Museum.

I am pretty sure I gave the museum people hives when I showed up with my ragga-muffin kids but other than being closely pursued by one of the museum men I was able to inspect some great quilts. For the most part the kids were ok.

They were quick to pick their favorite quilts and announce that they were ready to move on.

I have been through Paducah a couple times and this is the first time I have been able to stop and look around. Cute town with lots of quilt shops!

We went down to the river (the mighty Ohio) and watched a barge of some sort.

This guy was down on the river blowing in his pipes. This is for my husband. Maybe his wife was lost in the museum and he was trying to summon her out.

The next day we arrived at my parents house. I think we were out in the woods for 2 hours before we even went inside! I love the forrest behind my parents house.

The trillium are peeking out from the forest floor...see spring really is on the way!

I took the kids on a nature walk and showed them some wild food. The ramps were met with great enthusiasm until the aftertaste lingered too long.

Wild chive and chickweed were much preferred.

I showed the kids some of the waterfalls I liked to explore when I was younger. It was so fun to see these woods through my children's eyes.

One day we toddled up to one of my colleges (WCU) where my husband and I met. Emma's great great grandmother is buried practically on campus. I named my Emma after this Emma, She was a quilter.

Then we drove around some more and walked in some more forrest and explored a family legend and them took a look at the Judaculla Rock.

The kids preferred the petroglyphs in Australia, but I thought these were pretty neat. According to the legend the Forest Devil (from Devil's Rock) got angry that the natives were not making sacrifices to him as often as they should, so he jumped from Devils Courthouse to this rock. He was supposed to have left hand prints here.... I will leave you to your own devices to find them, I have a pretty vivid imagination but I had trouble finding a Devils handprints. Maybe I just don't see many devils hand prints. That is fine with me.

I think as soon as the kids got in the car each time this happened within seconds.

My sister even came up to visit with her son. It was so nice to have all the children together. The 3 boys got to camp out in my parents tiny Airstream camper and they thought that was so wonderful. Their own tiny house.

Here we are right before I pulled out to make my way home. Sorry mom. I know you will hate this picture, but it is the best of me.

Here are the boys and their grandpa. We had so much fun.

On the way home we stopped to see my Mother in Law in Tennessee. Emma and Ethan got to drive her golf cart so now the kids ask if they can drive around in the van....since they now know how to drive.

On the way through Kansas City it started to snow. Welcome home from spring break.

The Generals missed us terrible. Both have been competing for who gets to actually lay on my feet when I am still enough. We all had a great time visiting my family. Vacations are great, but it sure is wonderful to be home! I have quilts to quilt.


Busy busy busy down in my little quilt lair


A swirly quilt for Julie