My turn for the Collage Blog hop!

Good morning! It is my turn on the blog hop! Hurray! So, I met Carrie Bloomston of Such Design last summer when I came up to Kansas from Texas to look for a house. I had looked at 30 houses in 3 days and I decided I needed a break and quilt market just so happened to be down the road in Kansas City. So I went. Basically I just wondered around in a daze...seriously shell shocked and overstimulated from both the houses I was thinking about buying and all the wonderful fabric and sewing doo dads. Somehow I found myself in front of Carries booth and it was like the eye of the storm....just silence and peace. The colors were soothing, her quilt designs were so different from everyone else's...I drifted over and well...I stayed. Carrie is such a great soul. After chatting with her for about 5 minutes I felt like I had know her all my life. Anyway, it was dinner time and all the sudden I found myself lifted with the tide of quilters going to dinner....and I went with Carrie and a bunch of other awesome quilters, designers and writers. It was a great night filled with conversation and fun. Wonderful. Anyway, over the year Carrie and I have kept in contact. I heard she had some fabric coming out and I knew it would be fantastic no matter what just because Carrie is that kind of lady.

She sent me a bunch with only one request....I was to use uniform fabric in with her fabric. I guess somewhere along the way she figured out that I sew with a bunch of uniform (in my other life as the owner of Camp Follower Bags and Quilts). So I did!  Originally I intended to make a wall hanging and a bag....but when the scraps settled and I put down my scissors I had made 3 bags and a quilt. I kept notes so all these items can become patterns! Hurray!

*** a quick note about Carrie's fabric. All the text is legible and makes sense! She has beautiful quotes and sayings mixed in with snippets of information. This will certainly be horde worthy, and I will be buying a couple yards of it.

I made a little sewing kit with a leather handle. I love these box bags. I teach free motion quilting with this design.

I made a wee little zip pouch, because seriously you can't have enough little zipper bags

Here is the other side which I love just as much!

And a quilted tote bags which I love. Lots of pockets on the outside.

Are you seeing the little pops of AUC and BDU?

And this is the quilt I rocked out in record time. I think I made all of this stuff in like 4 days. I love it. I especially love the Baptist fan quilting I did with my Statler Stitcher. I kinda want to do this on all quilts now. To heck with free motion! Just do Baptist Fans!!!! Just kidding. I love free motion.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Thanks for reading my rambling. If you just skipped to the giveaway that is fine too. I am happy you came regardless.

In order to win a 10 inch pack of Carrie's Collage Fabric by Whindam leave a comment with your favorite word below in the comment section. Words can be powerful things. Just make sure I have someway to contact you. Next Friday I will choose a winner.

Here is the list of the other awesome bloggers who are hopping along with us. Lots of chances to win fabric!

April 9 – Julie Goldin 
April 11 – April Rhodes
April 12 – Tia Curtis
April 14 – Ramona Burke
April 15 – Sally Keller
April 16 – Angela Walters
April 19 – Jenny Kelly
April 20 – Sam Hunter


Lets talk about old quilt tops for a moment


Collage Blog hop!