Sweet Viola the Ocean Waves quilt

Happy Saturday morning! I hope you are all good. It is a great day here to just burrow into your sewing room and create wonderful things. It is grey and rainy and I love it! I finished up the binding on this old quilt this morning. I found this top in town at an antique store. I only made it as far as the first couple booths, and had to dash out (after paying of course) with my treasure in my arms. I guess I was afraid some other feral quilter would snatch it out of my hands. This patten is called Ocean waves. Obviously it is a scrap quilt. I have another one with the same pattern downstairs but it is only blue and white, it is quite wonderful how just the fabrics make such a different effect. I feel like this quilt is almost laughing with the joyful bits of fabric that were used.

I tossed this top up on my frame almost as soon as I got home. I was between tops and was dying to try out some of my wonderful Statler designs. When I bought my new Gammill Long arm from Beth it had a multitude of wonderful designs loaded on it's computer and this was the chance for me to try a bunch of them out. Normally my clients like me to hand guide my custom quilts, and I love it, but I wanted to play with the perfection of the Statler Stitcher.

My kiddos came down and had fun picking out designs as well. The Dove was from Ethan.

The Peacock was Emma's choice. Anyway, this quilt will be given as a wedding present today to one of the men who works with my husband. I hope they like it...I am always torn when I give quilts. I LOVE quilts, pretty much any quilt I like. But what if the people I give it too think I am an idiot giving just a blanket? Will they see the love and blessings that were stitched into this piece? Will they see the fun and happiness I wish them to have in their marriage?

I got tired of quilting the diagonal lines, and just did swirls at the bottom part....I wish I would have done swirls all the way through it...or figured out how to do diagonal boarder quilting...I will learn that Monday, so I will do it on my other Ocean Waves quilt.

Oh well, if they don't like it I will be happy to take it back and use it in my household.

Here is the Label that came with the top. Viola hand pieced this quilt back in 1954. I wonder what her life was like? I hope it was a good one!

Do you feel odd about giving quilts as gifts? Sometimes I feel they may be perceived as over the top...or old fashioned, but my house is swelling at the seams with quilts. I really don't NEED any more, but boy to I love to make them!

Have a happy weekend!

Lori's quilt


a pair of shirt stripe quilts