What's going on down in the Quilt Lair?

Hey there! Good Morning! I hope the weather is pretty where you are. It is gorgeous here, but Thursday it is supposed to snow! Crazy right? Well, as usual I have quite a few projects I have been popping between here in the quilt lair.

Do you do that? Have a bunch of projects that way they all seem fresh? I do.

I started this Welsh Style quilt more than a year ago. I began it before I bought my first long arm, so it is to be quilted on my domestic sewing machine. It has been folded over the back of my sewing chair since we we moved here.

I worked on it a bit last week, but had to fold it back up to do real  "for money" work. It can't all be fun and games right?

If you are interested in this Welsh Style quilting ( I love it so much! ) I do have a couple more books available on Amazon.com (Welsh Quilting Pattern and Design Handbook by Marjorie Horton)

I also decided to putter along on this quilt again. It is the #xplusalong quilt that was all over twitter and instagram not too long ago. I went for it big time, but quickly lost steam on it. I just don't have the patience for the blocks....but I wanted it to be a big enough quilt to quilt up on my long arm.

So I added some half square triangles! Ha! I love it now. It will have some boarders as well. Eventually.

I have been quilting away on this great stripe quilt. Shari made 2 of them, one for each of her kiddos.

I am custom quilting them....trying to keep the quilting more masculine so lots of lines.

Next up, a tote of t-shirts to be made into a t-shirt quilt! It has been years since I made one of these. So this will be fun.

Last but not least I am working on some Hero bags from Staff Sargent Rolfing's uniforms. I am designing a special duffel bag just for this order. His mother sent me some of his shirts to include in the bags as well. Needless to say this will be some heart wrenching sewing. Take some time today to give your children an extra hug. Hold them close for a bit if you can.

OK, folks. I have sewing to do! I hope you take a bit of time today to make something special, or at least work on something special for someone you love!



Collage Blog hop!


Busy busy busy down in my little quilt lair