My #xplusalong quilt is quilted

Hey there! Here is my second quilt for the blog today. It is my #xplusalong quilt from instagram. I kinda dig instagram. I am forever snapping pictures and putting them there but them I forget to blog about them as well. It is such a great crafty community out there! I started making this x-plus quilt. The main blocks are inspired by a spectacular quilt from the Tokyo quilt show. I found the tutorial to make the blocks on Bad Skirt Amy blog, but I can't find a link for it right now and it is making me a bit crazy. Anyway I was only good for this many I filled in with half square triangles of my new favorite sorta solid ( Hand dyed Ombres by Marcus Brothers). I also decided it needed a couple boarders, I was going to do a bunch of fancy boarders, but only managed this many. and only one is fancy.

Here the quilt is on the frame with my long arm. I used a combination of both computer guided designs and my own freehand quilting.

Last night this fellow was sewing behind me. He has plans to make a viking quilt, but I am taking too long, so he wants to just do it himself. I am trying to help him out with my sweet little featherweight.

I am pretty happy with how the quilting turned out, but the fact that the quilt it hilariously NOT square gave me a bit of drama at the end. So few of my quilts are square...I am such a hasty piecer. I just want to get to the quilting!

You can see the bigger green boarders here. I figured it would be hard to see them, so I didn't do anything too wild in them. Just a feather and some curved crosshatching.

I used one of my new tricks here in the pink triangles! Point to Point quilting! That I will use often!

More curved crosshatching in the plain blocks...

And the back is Anna Maria Horner Linen. I think this is where most of the drama stemmed from. I didn't order enough so I tried to be thrifty and the back was about 2 inches skinnier than the my original boarder quilting plan had to be scrapped for feathers on the sides. At any rate I think it turned out just fine and someday I will bind it and toss it on my bed...I really can't wait to see the texture after I wash this quilt! Next up will be a bunch of T-shirt quilts and some Hero bags that I have been dragging my feet on.

Have a the best week ever!


A very busy day of all sorts of things.


Lori's quilt