So many quilts, so little time!

Hey there! It has been ages since I blogged, but there has been heaps of things going on around here. LOTS of quilts being quilted and a studio being renovated, and the pool to visit with the kids! Whoa! I get tired even thinking about all that is happening...but soon the kids will be back in school and I will be working hard on quilts and designs again. This is a picture heavy post, but it is full of pretty quilts!

QOV made by Raylene Mason and quilted by me. This one was presented along with about 30 others yesterday to the 705th MP battalion who just returned from a tour in Kuwait. They kindly took us through the military prison on Ft Leavenworth. I have always wanted to see the inside...but I don't know anyone to visit there. I don't really do a great deal of thinking about prisons, but it was a very secure facility and very beige. I never want to be a guest let me assure you! But they do have a really amazing textile repair room filled with the most lovely bunch of Juki industrial sewing machines. The prisoners repair damaged military gear.

This lovely quilt was made by Pam for her daughter to take to college. So pretty. I love the Baptist clamshells.

This is the back of a secret quilt. But I love this quilting design. It is an edge to edge design but it looks so custom, doesn't it? If you would like this one request Modern Maze (by Krista Withers, a quilter I admire so very much.)

I also have mostly finished these 2 quilts. The grey and red one will be for a class at Show Me Quilting in Kansas City, the blue and black one is a Welsh style quilt that I started years ago on my domestic machine and finally finished up on my long arm. I just need to bind it.

This is a lovely traditional quilt that I had a complete blast quilting! I quilted it with a combination of computer designs and my own free hand work. I am thrilled with how it turned out. The wild batik was selected by the teenager that this quilt was made for. In her defense it does have all the right colors in it.

This is one of the t-shirt quilts I have been working on. It really needs its own blog post.

The back of the t-shirt quit is a Texas flag quilt! I thought that was a stroke of brilliance if I do say so myself.

So, that is what I have been up to! Along with planning some classes and a block of the month. I guess it is really no surprise that I can't sleep at night. Too many plans whirling around in my mind! I just need to make them realities!

Happy sewing folks!


The Local Quilt


T-shirt quilt