Quilting quilting quilting!

It feels like it has been ages since I last posted here. Wow...SO much has been happening. I have quilted a bunch of quilts, but they have been flying out of here so fast I didn't take pictures. Bummer right? Well, this one I took pictures of. It is just 2 yards of Shot Cotton, but I quilted the heck out of it. My friend is making pillow shams with it. It is to go with the massive Kaffe Fassett quilt I did for her.

Needless to say I had a blast with it and was really able to work through some thinking while I was quilting.

I used a verigated cotton thread on this piece and it goes great with the different warp and weft of the shot cotton.

I used a bunch of thread on this puppy. If I ever do it again, I will use a different bobbin thread...something thinner than the big fat cotton. I do like the back though. I gave her bunches of options for cutting this piece up. Good thing she lives in town, I can't wait to see her pillow shams in real life.

My daughter turned 12. She had the cutest group of kids over to celebrate with her. The hens were a big hit. Who knew a bunch of 12 years olds would love chickens so much? One little girl told her dad to leave and come back for her later. And she picked out 2 chickens to take with her. She was dead serious, but dad said "No". So funny...the looks of horror upon the faces of the parents as they came to collect their kids and their arms were full of clucking feathers. Funny how a silly bird will fastenate almost anyone. Just sit and watch a chicken. It is like watching a tiny T-Rex.

We also had our first meeting of the Fort Leavenworth Quilt Club. We worked on our Block of the Month Quilt. I will advertise better next month. I also need to get the instructions up on this blog. I am working now at Quilters Quarters in Leavenworth. Just 2 days a week, but those 2 days really are cutting into my sewing time. Ha! It is great research to work at a LQS. Jerry Stubbe runs the shop and she is a fine business woman to learn from. I need that.

We made Jacobs Ladder quilt blocks this first go. Next month will be 2 quilt blocks. Maybe tonight after work I will get the tutorial up? They are super easy.

And my mate and I are getting ready to have a big life change....He is retiring from the Army next month. It is making me crazy. I can't sleep at night sometimes. All I have ever known is the Army. I was raised Army, joined the Army Nurse Corps and then married a Soldier. I love this Camp Follower life. I have faith it will work out, but the stress needs to be quilted away!

OK, I need to go get ready for work. Have a great day! I miss you all...come see me at the quilt shop. I work Wednesdays and Thursdays!


Kansas City Star Block of the Month #1 - Jacobs Ladder


Some new books