Hey there!

Hey folks! I hope you are all well. I sure have been crazy busy. I am coming up for a quick blog post to show you some of what I have been working on lately. SO many quilts have been picked up or mailed out and I didn't get a chance to take their pictures….it was  like it never happened, right? Thank goodness my phone is filled with their pretty pictures. Ha.

This beauty was for my fiend Leia. It is one of several old quilts tops made by a great aunt that her mom had stored away in a box in the attic. My ultimate fantasy (yeah…I'm predictable aren't I?)

I had a blast quilting this one!I love straight lines and the border was really wonky so I had to get rather creative with how to quilt it. In the end I decided on wonky arcs.

This one is for Lynn. It was enormous. The quilting is hard to see, but every stitch is hand guided.

Swirls and pebbles on this fabric in a blue thread named Galileo. 

And wood grain in the center bit…but it almost looks like water and that is fine too I think.

I made a Camp Follower Bag and wallet. I haven't done one of these for ages, but I was asked very sweetly by a fellow in Afghanistan to make on for his wife for Christmas. I made her a bag a couple years ago and she loved it so much….oh what the heck!

I forgot how much I love making these bags, but I just don't have enough time to do both the bags and quilting. I need a clone.

This is my newest wallet design. 

I carry the red one everywhere. It fits my big phone, so I can have everything at my fingertips but….it is slim so I can't jam it full of nonsense.

I will have this tshirt quilt up on the frame later today. Only one more before the Christmas rush of quilt making is over….well and 2 more Christmas quilts. Whew!

And my very favorite hen became a rooster. Isn't that sad? He is a good rooster though. He keeps all his ladies together and finds them the best spots to graze. And he is still sweet enough that we can carry him around if we feel the need (which the kids often do.) And the best chicken news??? They are finally laying perfect brown eggs! I am so proud of these birds.

Happy quilting folks!


Quilts quilts and more quilts!


Happy Thanksgiving!