2 quilts that I finished last month

Hey there! I was downloading some pictures from my camera and noticed that I never took the time to blog about these lovely quilts. I wonder how many more have left my hands and not been blogged about? Heaps I am sure.

This is a neat ombre strip pieced quilt that I did a ton of ruler work on. the lady I quilted it for wanted a bunch of echoing triangles. After I got into the swing of it all it was really almost entrancing to quilt all these triangles. And it is a funny rainbow thread that at first my machine was very upset I was trying to use…then we figured out the right tension and it was smooth sailing form there.

And then this one for Lori. How fun are all those green scraps? Lori wanted this one quilted like the quilt in the book "Sunday Morning Quilts"

I quilted a loopy meander with a green variegated thread.

In the appliquéd leaves I quilted some veins. I love how this quilt turned out.

OK, I think I have time for one more blog post then back down to the lair!

Tia Curtis


Another Peek in the Quilt Lair


Cross and Crown anyone???