Kelly's Steam Punk Quilt

Good Morning folks!

How are you all doing? Last week was a doozy. My little tribe of kiddos headed back to school. The house is so quiet without their racket. Now all I have is Stanley's labrador snoring and the birds. These are actually very nice sounds, but so different from when the kids are home. I was seized by a frenzy of cleaning. It is so very nice to enjoy a clean house for a couple hours before 3pm when every surface is covered with backpacks and homework and the push begins to get hungry children fed before football practice. 

The little guy is in 4th grade, the middle man is in 5th grade and Emma just started 7th grade.

I have also finished quilting several quilts. Kelly L. let me quilt her Steampunk quilt. I love it so much. Swirls, loops and lines make up the quilting. I love her color choices and fabric combinations so much!

The back is so pretty too! So many great low volume blocks! I thought she had given me 2 quilts, and emailed her asking what type backing she waned me to use when I quilted her quilts. She told me the low volume one was the back! duh. It makes this quilt so awesome!

I love how the quilting looks on the back!

OK, have a super day!

Sweet little Sail Boats


Merry Merry Snowmen Quilt