The Fort Leavenworth Quilt Posse is back in session

Hey there! Our Quilt club has started meeting again at my house. Last month we made improv house blocks. This month we made more traditional house blocks. Tanya brought the pattern to the group and it was really fun to work with.

My friend Tanya is a very technical quilter. I value her so much! Our design processes are so different, like night and day different. She is my pattern tester and will not hesitate to call me out on any of my mistakes. Until I met Tanya I really didn't think much about  quilt math or yardage requirements. I always shoot from the hip, but Tanya has pointed out that most people like accurate math and accurate yardage requirements. So thanks to her and her guidance I have a notepad (I have several actually) by my cutting table and I write down all my steps as I go. I am trying so hard to be more organized with design....sorry I am getting off task....squirrel!

We had such a good time meeting and sewing together. Two new quilters joined our gang, and sadly several moved away. Alas life in the military does that. If you live in the area you are welcome to join us.

Tanya demonstrated the proper way to square up a block. I have been doing it wrong for about 12 years. I use the lines on the mat and the ruler to square up. Tanya uses the lines on the ruler to do it. It was a bit confusing to me so I will probably carry on with the way I do it. So far it works pretty well. At least the new quilters know the right way to do it now. They didn't have as many bad habits to break as I do.

Here are our little houses. The goal of this project will be a wall hanging with 9, 12 or 16 houses. In the white space you can write or embroider your series of duty stations and maybe the years you were there. I have some pretty wild plans for my wall hanging.

Tanya saw this quilt hanging in a friend's house. It was a nice little quilted record of everywhere she and her husband had lived over their Military career. She had made the quilt with her quilt group as a swap. We are going to do that as well. This was a really quick block. After I find out about copyright I can post a PDF of the pattern for those of you who would like to make one for well as the Ft Leavenworth Quilt Club Members who have moved on. We miss you.

Tia Curtis

ps, Next month we will be exploring Log Cabin blocks. I am going to show several ways to make them and you can choose which method you like best. Hopefully we will have a good sized stack made up by the time we need to go get kiddos. Log Cabin quilts are a big favorite of mine.


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