Quilted Zipper Pouch Class (Thursday 13, Nov 2014)

Hey there! I have one more class to announce. If you are here for the Blog Hop HERE is a direct link to that post. You are welcome to stay here of course and ready through. 

I am teaching my favorite Quilted Zipper Bag on Thursday 13, NOV at Meadows Quilt Shop in Leavenworth, KS. This is a really fun class where we will cover many simple techniques including machine quilting, improv piecing, hand stitched embellishment and simple zipper instillation. This is a great little bag that is just the tip of the iceberg as far as zipped bags go. I hope you join me, we already have a pretty full class, but I bet there is room for a couple more!

This is another class I am willing to travel to teach. It is such a blast! Please Email me if you would like more information.


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Improv Piecing Workshop Tomorrow (12 Nov 2014)