latest quilts

Hey there! I hope you are all well. I have been busy quilting and cutting fabric. Let me show you a few of the quilts I have quilted lately. First up is Cindy's fabulous snowball quilt.

I used on of my favorite edge to edge quilting designs on it (Modern Maze) It blends so well, but gives the quilt the best texture.

I love how this design looks custom quilted, but it is a great cost alternative. It is so pretty! I tell you that I love custom quilting, but boy sometimes an edge to edge is just the ticket! Thank you Cindy for letting me quilt your quilt!

This next one was done by my friend Shelley. She now is lucky enough to live in Hawaii. The Pattern is called Balinese Wedding Star by Judy Niemeyer. It is just a glorious quilt and my photography does nothing for it. It has was dark and dreary and the lighting in my studio was funny, so forgive me.

I custom quilted this quilt with the help of my Statler Stitcher and a set by Laurie Thomas. It took so long to quilt with the Statler. Many folks think it is so easy to use the Statler for custom quilt work, but in reality quilting a Custom quilt in computer guided mode takes about twice the time as just free handing it. At least that is what I have found in my experience. I do love how this quilt turned out though.

Here is a shot of the back...again the light it terrible. Sorry.

This is what the quilting looks like.

Next up is Traci's little wall hanging. I taught this block a couple months ago to my quilt posse. We took a picture of our houses and turned them into an improv pieced quilt block. Traci took it a couple steps further and added trees and borders. She wanted it custom quilted and the only stipulation was that I do a green vine in the white border.

So...swirling sky went in, and jagged grass. Bricks and slate roof. Some of you may recognize this house as one of the historic homes on Ft. Leavenworth. You are right! Traci has since moved to an even better historic house on post. I suppose another quilt is in order!

I quilted my very favorite Army quote in the yellow border "I had cast my lot with a soldier and where was was home to me." I used it for years on my Camp Follower Bags and I was thrilled to use it again on this quilt.

Here is some of the back of the quilt.

Traci's sewing room was up in the attic, so I put her sewing machine in the window.

And her awesome cat, Breezy is in the window down in the living room.

This was such a fun little piece of art to quilt! I want to finish my houses too!

have a happy week folks!


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