Some quilts

Hey there! 

How are you all doing? I have been very busy quilting away these last several months. Here are some customer quilts I finished.

 This one was for my dear friend Traci. It was started by her Aunt back in the 70s and she finished it! What a trooper. I quilted it whith her favorite  E2E.

This is a little close up of the quilting and the vintage fabric.

This is a sweet one I quilted with an E2E named Clematis.

See, pretty flowers.

This was a really awesome one I Custom quilted for Gina Martin. I love these blacks and whites. I wanted the quilting to be fairly simple, but geometric. I didn't get the best picture, but echoing lines inside the black parts and straight lines in the white.

And here is my sweet new puppy, Ben. He is about 3 times that size now.

This was an awesome quilt. I think the pattern is named Navajo Serape. Gretchen expanded the original pattern to make the quilt bigger and added 2 rows.  Her piecing was sublime. All those rows and somehow at the bottom of the enormous quilt it was still perfectly square.

This was a pretty rose quilt made by Meri. She did such a great job with it. You can't tell but the back is a white sateen and it was a dream to quilt on. The quilting on this one had to be custom to really emphasize the fraying of the raw edge appliqué.

I quilted quite a few more, but I will show them later.




Texas Flag quilt #18


Ft Leavenworth Quilt Club BOM #1 - Simple Star