A butterfly quilt for Taylor

Hi there!

It seems like it has been ages since I blogged. I keep thinking I will find the time, but when I have a lull I just don't have the energy to blog especially when just posting on Instagram is so darn easy! I can only talk about myself and what I am doing so much. With that said I do want to show the quilting on the last couple quilts I got to work on.

This butterfly quilt is one I quilted for Taylor. She wanted to butterflies to be flying through windy clouds, but she wanted to clouds to look asian. Luckily she sent pictures and I did my best to quilt Asian clouds.

All the quilting in the body of the quilt was hand guided, and Taylor did not want it densely quilted.

The borders were done by the computer. She wanted Ginkgo leaves and a basket weave. No problem.

The butterflies were very fun to quilt.  The whole quilt was fun to work on and took about a week.

Tia Curtis

Some Wall Hangings for Carla


Hi there from the quilt lair!