Tia Curtis Quilts Website is now live!

Hi there folks!

I am so happy to announce that my new website is live. You can choose from hundreds of Edge to edge (E2E) designs for your next quilt. All but 3 are $.02 cents a square inch. The price includes cream or white thread. If you want a special color thread that is fine to, I will just need to order it for you. My E2E turnaround is pretty quick still. The custom work is what takes so long.

You will still need to email me so I can send you an order form. I do like to talk with clients a bit before they send me their quilts.  I like to have a mental triage going. You can contact me through the contact page of the website, or you can just email me directly. Its easy. Have the best day folks! If you are poking around my website and notice something crazy that clearly does not belong there please let me know and Stu or I will fix it.

I still have a ton of designs to load up but they were all beginning to look the same so I called it quits for the time being, Next items to add to the website are patterns. I have written so many over the years, I just need to get them looking uniform so they will be pretty for you.

Have a great day folks!



The Mighty Savannah


New Website!