My quilts in the Cloud 9 Booth

 Hey there! I bet if you read my other blog you are bored of my cloud 9 quilts, but I need to do a quick show of the quilts here too. I made 2 quilts for Michelle Engel Bencsko  of Cloud 9 fabric. I made the giant  hexagon up on the wall out of the wonderful Miscellany collection and the little brown and yellow flying geese quilt out of Across the Pond.

 I must say again how much I love the Miscellany quilt. I will be making one for myself for Christmas...Well, I will start it over Christmas break, who knows when it will actually be finished.

 It was such a thrill to both meet Michelle and Gina and to see my quilts in with all the glory of Quilt Market. Here I am with Gina and below is a picture of my with Michelle. I sure hope I get to keep sewing for these brilliant ladies! They make superior fabric to create with!


Zig Zag Quilt


A quilt for Katy