Zig Zag Quilt

 Good Morning! How are you doing? I sure hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. I finished a quilt last night. This was a pretty quick quilt as I started it on the 17th of November in preparation for a book review (Little Bits Quilting Bee) for my other blog. Nothing like a quick quilt that is a thrill to quilt. I used a silver thread for the quilting (both top and bottom thread are silver). I love how the silver looks on the front, and on the back it looks like a whole new quilt.

 Despite having my Bernina 820 back from the shop, I am still using my little featherweight. A word of advice to you...never buy a fancy schmancy computerized sewing machine and go move to the middle of nowhere where there is no support for it. Because when it is out of sync...there is nothing you can do but drive 8 hours to have it repaired...again. But DO have some great old machines that just require a bit of oil and will run until the Apocalypse.

 As soon as this quilt came out of the dryer it was instantly put into family quilt circulation. The quilters dream cotton batting I used has such a glorious feel to it after being dried.

 So, here is a full sunny shot from this morning. It is crazy windy (as usual) so the quilt is flapping a bit...and I didn't center it.

 I love these little feathery clam shells I used to quilt the background. They are so very fun to quilt with my Gammill. They appear like magic as the long arm passes over the quilt top. I wanted something minimal in the blocks and I wanted a bit of puff after I had washed the quilt, so I made little pea pod looking designs in the individual triangles. I love the sketcherly look and feel these quilts have.

 By the time I came back to the boarder to finish the quilting I did not want the vine I had originally thought I would use. What to do what to do???? How about loops. Na. Maybe double loops? They look a bit like babushkas or toes, but I like them.

 And because the backs of quilts are so very important....Here is the back of this one. I may like it better than the front.

 I think the texture is fabulous. Especially after the wash. There are parts that aren't perfect, but I am human and not a computer...and given how frustrated I am with computerized sewing machines at the moment that is fine with me.

I have done a couple other quilts...but I can't show pictures of them yet. They are going to be in books, so I will show you pictures later...or point you to the books ;o)

Have a great weekend, I think I will be driving back down to Killeen to drop off my Berninas.


A quilt for John


My quilts in the Cloud 9 Booth