Old Spiderweb quilt

 This is another old quilt top that I quilted for my mom. We found it at the same antique shop that I bought my Orange peel quilt.  This top is filled with bits of clothing and a wild mismash of fabric. Everything from corduroy to silk is in it. It was not really square (not that that matters to me in the slightest, but it does make it easier to load evenly onto the quilt frame) and the spiderwebs kinda bulgded up in the centers (I wish I would have clipped them before I started quilting.)
 My mom wanted me to quilt it with spiderwebs. She has always loved the spiderweb quilt I made myself a couple years ago and she liked the web quilting I did on it. I think spiderwebs are really fun and so very quick. So, I quilted spiderwebs in all the blocks and made Welsh leaves in the sashing.
 I love Welsh quilting right now and I want to put it on everything.

 The back is just Moda Muslin. Not the 200 Thread count, just their regular muslin. It quilted up like a dream. I used some of my Quilters Dream Cotton batting so the drape will be fabulous.

All in all it was a great quilting day. I hope your day was wonderful as well!


Where does inspiration come from?


Orange peel quilt