Orange peel quilt

 Hey there! I hope you are doing well. My parents are here in town visiting us for a bit. It has been very nice to have them here. My mom and I like to go wonder around antique stores. There is one in town that has a wonderful selection of old quilts and quilt tops. In the past I loved to go through them and admire all the tiny hand stitches and marvel at the patience of the lady (or maybe fella) who made the tops, but didn't get around to quilting them. Well, now that I have my long arm it is so easy to quilt these orphan quilt tops. My mom and I bought several of them. This is one of the tops. I paid $25 for it. I believe the pattern is named Orange peel. Isn't is fabulous? It is almost entirely old feed sacks and most of the white background parts are flour sacks. I think it is wonderful and I am so happy I found it.

 I quilted it pretty simply because I really wanted all that fabric to shine. The white backgrounds are quilt with a heavy echo.

 Each little piece was hand stitched to the next one. There is so much work in this top. I wonder what was happening in this persons life? Did she have a bunch of different projects going on at once like I tend to do? Or was she super organized and fought her way through it. It was a really clean old top, but I can't wait to wash it!

 I used the thinnest cotton batting (quilters Dream Cotton Batting in request weight) The back is a 200 thread count muslin.

As you can see it has a scallop edge. I made bias binding and was in the process of binding it by hand, but when my mom offered to do the binding if I would quilt one of her quilts, I said no problem!  What a treasure this quilt is. Thank you unknown piecer! I love this quilt.

Old Spiderweb quilt


Women of the Bible Quilt Sampler