Pin wheel quilt by John Adams

 Good morning! This is my latest quilt I have quilted for a client. You may know John Adams from QuiltDad, right? Well, this is the last of 4 quilts I have quilted for him over the past several months. It is a baby quilt and I love the pinwheels, as well as the fabulous fabric. John wanted simple quilting, so I quilted the white background triangles and left the vivid triangles bare so they would pop all the more. I quilted loops around the first green boarder and there are swirls in the ruler print. I love how it turned out! I hope John does too.

Right now I am working on a top for one of my upcoming quilt classes. I have quite a few classes being offered at the Local Quilt shop, so if you are in town I hope you can come by!

QOV #2


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