QOV #2

 Hey there! This is the second Quilt of Valor I have quilted. This top was also assembled by Judy Modlin of Kansas. I decided to quilt this one with swirls in the red and blue blocks and wavy line things in the white blocks. I am pretty thrilled with how it turned out.

 Won't this be AWESOME  and packed with texture after it is washed and dried? Part of my wants to go ahead and bind it and wash it just to see, but that is not my role in the QOV line up, so I will mail it and it's brother back to Kansas tomorrow.  I sure hope these 2 QOVs provide a bit of comfort to the soldiers returning from Afghanastan.

This is a courtesy shot of the back. You really can't see much of the quilting (yet...after it is washed it will be a different story and the texture will shine) because I used a light bobbin thread that blends so well with the back fabric....but it is pretty stitching, if I do say so myself.


Swoon Quilting


Pin wheel quilt by John Adams