Between Quilts

 Hey there! I know it has been ages since I have posted, but I was quilting away on secret quilts...or at least on quilts that I can't show yet. But....since I am between quilts I decided to take the day and go have fun with my sweet kiddos.

My husband took my middle son fishing, so I took the other two out to Weston, MO. We were just wondering around the town and on the way home I drove by the Red Barn Farm...just to see what was going on. I am so thrilled I did!

 They gave us baskets and pointed towards the hillside that was covered with apple and pear trees. As you can see from the pictures the trees were pretty heavy with fruit.

 We did have to sample some of course. It was funny...I went ahead and took a bite of one of the apples  to see how sweet and ripe it was, and the kids were stunned that they could eat the apples as we picked them! I said go for it! After all how many apples can you eat while you pick? They aren't like strawberries...I can eat my weight in strawberries!

 Our eyes were much bigger than our stomachs, so we have lots of apples for pies and apple sauce. Awesome!

The older fellas caught 4 cat fish. We will be eating them tonight...along with apple pie!
I think this was the best day we have had since we moved back to Kansas...and it was in Missouri!

I have more quilts to work on, but if you have one you want me to quilt just let me know! I am accepting quilts right now.


"Type" by Julia Rothman for Windham


Yet another Texas Flag quilt