"Type" by Julia Rothman for Windham

 Hey there! Look what I get to work with....Type by Julia Rothman. Isn't it great? Julia Rothman made this collection for Windham fabric. I loved Miscellany so much (Cloud 9 fabric) that as soon as I heard that Julia had another collection coming out I emailed Windham at once to ask to work with it. They said yes! So now I get to make a quilt and a couple other little projects. How exciting! I have actually already begun working on the quilt. The hint I am going to give you is "circles" Yep...I think circles are the new square. I think we will all be quilting with circles in no time. I am even working on an actual quilt pattern this time. I know... I am really on a roll.

What do you say we look a little closer at some of the prints?

Old School Typewriters. Aren't they cute? 

Paper and notebooks. This could easily be a shot of my desk right now. I have paper and projects all over the place.

And what project would be complete without glasses? One set actually looks just like my quilting glasses. I knew Julia was a lady after my own heart!

And these are the smaller scale prints. Paper clips and letters. Bravo! OK, I need to go get back to my sewing machine. I think I left it on because I was just coming upstairs to grab a glass of water.

** oh, a note on this printing. This little stack that I am working with is a first run printing. The real collection may be a bit different in tone.

Anyway, happy quilting!

Free Motion Quilting supplies for my workshop


Between Quilts