Rebecca's quilt

Hi there! I finished quilting this quilt for Rebecca last night. It is quite large at 118 x118 inches. Rebecca wanted me to "go crazy and quilt whatever my heart desired". Wow...that is a lot of freedom! 13,924 square inches of freedom. 

I knew what I wanted to do in all the colored blocks, and I knew what I wanted to do in the white background...but those brown centers were the tricky places. I knew I wanted to do something that would be seen....In that I mean you can clearly see the quilting on the more solid fabric (the white and the brown) but the quilting in the colored spaces is almost invisible. 

All the colored blocks have different swirls or pebbles.

I think this brown block is my favorite. I was looking through some Zentangle slides on Pinterest and these borfin shapes are inspired by Zentangle.

I LOVED these simple lines too! So fun. 

The white is all quilted with this very loose meandering feather. And let me tell you this folks..this meander took a long time and miles of thread. I guess it is because there was so very much white and I decided to quilt the background fairly small scale. I half wish I would have done swirls in the white background, but these feathers were almost hypnotic to quilt so that was cool. I do adore the texture they create.

Here is the back of the quilt

MAybe you can see a bit of the quilting here?

Anyway this was such a fun quilt to quilt away on. My next one will be more simple...I think. We shall see. After that I have more Texas flag quilt to make.

Have a lovely weekend. It is chilly here so I hope you are warm where ever you are.


Some of my new favorite things


I am a sucker for an old quilt top