Some of my new favorite things

Hey there! I just wanted to take a moment to chat about some of my new favorite things. I love it when blogs talk about things they really like so I can go seek they out and try them for myself. This post is totally unsolicited and as you can see from my side bar I am not sponsored by anyone, so I am not getting paid or rewarded in anyway sharing this with you.

Let's talk about thread first. I think of thread as the blood of the nervous system of a quilt. The thread connects everything (ok that is a terrible example - if thread were anything that held everything together it would be the skin, but that doesn't work either...just go with it). I have been a thread snob for ages, so imagine my thrill when I found a thread that was even better to use than my King Tut Cotton? I do still love and use my King Tut...I have not completely thrown in the towel!

I LOVE Aurifil thread. It is silky and strong and leaves so little lint behind. It is so skinny that seams press perfectly flat

The big cones of Aurifil are from Brenda at Pink Castle Fabric. She ordered them for me bacuase I wanted to try the Aurifil out on my Long arm. It is pricy, but it lasts for ages.

Aurifil thread is so very nice to hand appliqué with! I am pretty lazy with my hand appliqué and I cut a big long piece of thread so I don't have to thread the needle quite as often. Do you do that? Well, what I love about hand sewing with Aurifil is that the thread seems to never knot up and it also does not weaken or fray. It is just a delight to stitch with.

 When I am sitting and sewing I love to have a cup of tea. After my 3 cups of coffee in the morning, I have to switch to tea you see. Well I just read about Luhsetea (I have no clue how you are supposed to pronounce that word). This little company was started by and Army wife and her daughter. I am a sucker to support fellow Army wives! 

 The tea is very nice. And each tea has a delightful little story to go with it.

Finally, lets talk about fabric. 

For the September meeting of KCMQG Caitlin brought a bunch of her fabric for us to buy and pet. Caitlin just started a new business - I Don't Do Dishes.  I LOVEd how the Couture Cottons (by Michael Miller) felt. SO silky and soft. They have a slight sheen to them as well. Well, I was running low on solids so I ordered the top 3 from Caitlin and the rest of the solids are from Hawthorn threads. Caitlin had her husband bring my fabric to work with him so I could just drive down the road and pick it up. What awesome customer service! Thanks Caitlin and it was very nice to meet your husband.

Caitlin also sells Aurifil thread.

Here are solids for a bunch of Texas flag quilts.

Oh and here is a tip...if you are using a big cone of Aurifil on your domestic machine - you may want to flip it upside down. It seems to come off the cone better. When it was the other way it kept getting caught underneath itself.

That is it folks, happy sewing!

We are going to the Haunted Leavenworth Tour tonight...Boooooooo maybe we will se some boogers?


Quilts and kids


Rebecca's quilt