Moms quilt for Laura

Hey there! Here is the latest quilt I have finished. My mom made this top before her surgeries (yes, more than one surgery. After her brain surgery to remove some tumors, she had to have her rotator cuff repaired in her shoulder. According to mom the rotator cuff repair has been worse than any of her brain surgeries.) Well, I think mom did a spectacular job on this quilt. Last year for Christmas I gave mom Sarah Fielke's book "Quilting from little things" and this was mom favorite quilt in the book. She took the book to the quilt shop and had the shop lady help her pull the right fabrics because she wanted it just like Sarah's quilt.

SO many seams to quilt around in the body of the quilt. The main seams are stitched in the ditch then filled in with fancy. I wanted to daisy petals to pop a bit, so I only ditch stitched them and added pebbles to the centers of the flowers.

Mom wanted me to do lots of my swirls, so that is the body of the quilt. 

Here is the back of the quilt. 

I did add a fern vine...I just couldn't resist. It had to go in that white part of the boarder. And the quilt is already bound! I am so pleased with how quick I bound this quilt. Literally as soon as I trimmed the quilt up I began to bind it. I only took a break to start dinner. Right now the quilt is in the wash so it can be all crinkly and awesome when we give it to my little sister for Christmas.

Just so you know, Laura does not read my blog...I actually don't think anyone in my family reads my blogs for they never comment. But I love them anyway. I have to assume the quilt will be a bit of a surprise for Laura...but I know mom already showed her the top before sending it to me. Lots of love is in this quilt Laura.


My next quilt to make .... After I have finished a couple others


Totally NOT a square quilt