Totally NOT a square quilt

Hey there! I have just finished quilting another quilt. It is one of mine. I made the blocks last month at an Improv workshop with Denyse Schmidt (with the KCMQG). I used Denyse Schmidt's paper bag technique to make the blocks.

Honestly this is not my best quilt ever. For real. It was really fun to make and I think it really broke me out of a slump, but this was one funny quilt to quilt. Since it was so wonky I decided on just doing swirls and pebbles in the background and wavy lines in the blocks.

I will not be squaring this quilt up at all. I am going to bind it just like it is.  My little guy has already asked for this it may be a Christmas present for him.

The swirls are absurdly fast to quilt and I really like the pebbles thrown in for good measure. The first block I quilting I got a bit carried away on, so one is not wavy lines.

Anyway, one Christmas present mostly down!


Moms quilt for Laura


Texas Flag quilt #8 for Carla