Texas Flag quilt #8 for Carla

 Good Morning! I am on my way to mail a couple things. Among them is this Texas flag quilt for Carla. I really love quilting these flag quilts.

I think this is the 8th one I have made. I wish I would have started numbering them right from the start, but I didn't know how many I would end up making. There are several that are unaccounted for in San Angelo...But I think I have made 8 in this size.

These really are so fun to quilt....it is almost hypnotic. I am only snapped out of it when the kids come downstairs and inquire as to what is for dinner. Thank goodness I have them otherwise I would quilt right on through meals.

This is another little quilt I am working on from time to time. I am planning 4 different boarders. And I am needle turning the appliqué, so it is a good project to work on when I am at doctor or dentist appointments...or riding in the car.  No big rush on this one...it is just something fun to work on.

I hope you are having a great day!

And I hope you get a chance to get out and vote! I voted last week. Apparently I am still a Texan, so I mailed my ballot in.


Totally NOT a square quilt


A quilt for Mary