A traditional Appliqué quilt

I quilted this quilt a couple weeks ago an am just no getting around to posting pictures of it. I know this ia a little different than the quilts I normally quilt, but it was a fun challenge. this is 90% Statler quilted. When I say that I used the computer onboard my machine to quilt most of this quilt, then at the end I went back in and did the free hand work. I learned a bunch about the amazing machine that is in my studio. Normally I just free hand or hand guide my machine. It is my preferred way of quilting, but with this one I figured the computer would do a better job than my hands.

The cross hatching is machine done, and the stipple and dress details are hand guided.

You can really see all the quilting from the back of the quilt. I do love a quilt back.

This one took a great deal of time...but I think it was worth it.

Have a happy day!

Kathryn's Celtic Craig


quilts quilt lots of quilt