Kathryn's Celtic Craig

Hey there! This lovely quilt was made by Kathryn Limpic. It is a batik quilt that was a block of the month through the quilt shop I am working at (Quilters Quarters). I was pretty excited to quilt it. It hung beside my machine while I was finishing up the quilt ahead of it in line and I thought and thought about how I was going to quilt it.

I was able to work in some Welsh inspired quilt designs. The leaves in the center of the cross, and the swirls in the background to represent the passage of time or eternity.

I used my Statler (computer) to quilt the individual blocks. The little point to point arches, showcase Kathryn's perfect piecing and then I hand guided the rest of the quilting. Kathryn really did have some awesome piecing. I don't think I have ever turned a quilt away for poor piecing...some take longer than others due to the style and flair with which the quilt maker put her top together, but it was sooooo nice to quilt on a perfectly square and pressed quilt. Thank you Kathryn!

Lots of quilting without it being too quilted was my goal.

I did have one thread change, I had to quilt with black thread on the black parts of the quilt.

Here I am looking a bit wild. This was a really really fun quilt to quilt.

I do love a quilt back!

OK, I have some block cutting instruction to work up for the next block of the month installment , so check back tomorrow or later this evening for the next 2 blocks in the Kansas City Star BOM. Cross and Crown, and Maple Leaf!

I quilted a bunch of other quilts, but neglected to take pictures before delivering them or their owners coming by to pick them up. That makes me a bit sad. It is almost like it never happened!

Have a great Monday!


Quilt Market quilts


A traditional Appliqué quilt