Blog Book Tour!

Good Morning and welcome to my blog for the Book tour of Classic Modern Quilts! If you are new here let me introduce myself. I am Tia Curtis. I am a long arm quilter. If my name sounds familiar I have another blog and business making bags (Camp Follower Bags and Quilts) but I am focusing more on long arm quilting instead of bag making. At any rate Welcome!!!!! I am so excited you are here and I am thrilled to participate in this book tour.

I quilted Tammie's Diamonds in the Rough quilt this summer right before taking off for the beach. I had such a great time quilting it. I love the combination of traditional strip pieced diamonds in various sizes but with lots of open background and sunny modern tones.

Before quilting for someone I always ask 3 questions. The first one to the client "How do you want it quilted?" Typically they tell me to do whatever I want. That is a great answer, but it takes me onto my next 2 questions….

"How would I quilt this quilt if I was going to hand quilt it?" 

I really look at the structure of the quilt and what was important to the quilt maker. Some quilts really sing with an edge to edge design, but others need special treatment. How can I add strength to the quilt with my stitching but both reinforcing the piecing and defining the design elements?

my third question is….

"If I lived back in the early 1900s and was a quilter…but magically I had access to a modern long arm as well as the knowledge to operate it…how would I quilt this quilt?

Obviously I decided to quilt this quilt with swirls and straight lines the cherries on top are the tiny pebbles that are mixed into the swirls. Pebbles go with just about any type of modern quilting.

OK, that is enough of my babbling. Next time when you are stuck on how to quilt a quilt ask yourself my 3 questions and see if you gain any perspective.

Soooo who wants a book? The good folks from Kansas City Star quilts and My Stars blog are giving away copies of Classic Modern Quilts! I would love to choose you. To win tell me another question you ask yourself (or your quilter) before quilting your quilts. Let me know down in the comments and I will choose the winner on Sunday the 24th of november by random selection.

If you don't win you can order the book from the Pickledish Store. It is a great little book with some lovely quilts inside.

Have a great day and good luck!

Tia Curtis

Be sure to check out Tammie's Blog today and Amy's blog tomorrow for another chance to win

Nov. 11: Lisa Calle,
Nov. 12: Lynne Goldsworthy,
Nov. 13: Lauren Hunt,
Nov. 14: Heather Kojan,
Nov. 15: John Kubiniec,
Nov. 18: Adrianne Ove,
Nov. 19: Trisch Price,
Nov. 20: Tammie Schaffer, and Tia Curtis,
Nov. 21: Amy Smart,
Nov. 22: Susan Strong,

 Thanks so much for participating in the blog tour!

Book Winner


Some WIPs