Some WIPs

I am busy as usual down here in my quilt lair. Let me show you a bit of what I have been up to. In this shot you can see that I was working on a bag when I got up and wondered off to do something else. There are several small projects tossed over my standing lamp that I will get to someday.

Here is one of 2 T-shirt quilts I need to finish by Christmas. I just wanted to play a bit with what I have so far. There is still a stack of T-shirts to cut up and make play their part in this story.

I have been playing around with some of my orphan blocks. This may be a quilt, several quilts or just some inspiration for an entirely different quilt. Who really knows? All I know is that one should never have an empty design wall.

My old rocker filled with quilts that either need to be picked up, are waiting for backing or are ready to ship out. My very techno savvy black board of quilts that need to be quilted. pretty flash right?

Some of my favorite fabric waiting to become something magical and one of my favorite kids on the planet playing with my lint roller. I have about 6 of them scattered around the sewing room but they tend to run off with my seam rippers.

more quilts on herb racks waiting to be quilted. Thankfully I am a pretty quick quilter so they don't have to stay there very long. I am waiting to get my other Long arm back from a refurbishing so I can have 2 quilts going at once, or rent one of them out to those who want to quilt with me. 

This is a stack of fabric waiting to become a grand quilt. Nothing like a stack of Kaffe Fassett to brighten your day!

I did go ahead and sew up the sides of this bag while I was down taking pictures. First I dig the new BDUs to Afghanistan, second I love how this bag turned out! It is a big surprise for a lady whose very sweet husband contacted me from the war in Afghanistan asking me to make his wife a bag for Christmas. How could I say no? It has been a pretty long time since I made one of my Camp Follower Bags. Frankly I want to either write them all into patterns for who ever wants to make their own , or write a book with instructions. I have been making them for 10 years and I am ready to take the next step whatever that is.

And I love these little fellas. Sam with his crazy winter hair and Ethan with his heart of gold. 2 of the best things I have ever made!

Have a great day and come back tomorrow for a book give away!!!!!


Blog Book Tour!


I have been featured in some books and magazines lately.