So I have been busy quilting…trying to clear my plate a bit before some of the top secret Quilt Market projects start rolling in. This time of year and before Fall Quilt Market are my favorite times of the year. Anyway, I was on my way to pick up my kiddos from school and guess what swooped down in from of my car? A magnificent Bald Eagle! Few things make me as thrilled as seeing one of those great raptors in flight. I always feel like shouting "AMERICA!!!!" When I am lucky enough to spot one.

Sometimes they come visit our back yard and eat our poor hens. But if you have to be eaten by something being eaten by an eagle isn't a bad way to go.

One day my husband and I were in our kitchen putting dishes away or some such glamorous activity and we spotted a man in a cloak in our chicken coop. All the sudden my husband swears and dashes outside and before my eyes the "man" in the coop straightened up and spread his massive wings then preformed a vertical takeoff. It was an adolescent bald eagle perched on the door to the coop peeping in and checking our sweet (juicy) hens out. Letting them know that he would be back! Lucky for the girls that day he didn't feel like humbling himself and hopping around inside a chicken house. 

Here is inquisitive Midnight. She is the detective of the flock…no question is too tough for her to ask!

OK, I am babbling. Sorry. Lets talk quilts.

 I am pretty sure I shouted "America!" when I unfolded this patriotic quilt. April wanted me to quilt feathers around the star and stipple the rest….I may have went a bit overboard with the center quilting, but I love how it turned out.

Some nice traditional feathers around the star, and echoing lines inside the star.

Mr Eagle himself got a bit of fancy quilting too…just to dress him up a bit. I see from this picture that I need to brush off the chalk marks. 

This was a BIG quilt. 90 x 112. I like quilting big quilts.

Have a great evening folks!

Cross and Crown anyone???


Coming up from my quilt lair for a moment to show you what I have been up to