Coming up from my quilt lair for a moment to show you what I have been up to

Hey there folks! I have been busy busy busy and it has been cold and snowy here!  The kids were out of school for 4 of 5 days last week due to one heck of a snow storm so we did a painting craft to make it fun, not that snow days are ever bad. I just wanted to do something fun with them. See those pictures at the end of the post and a link to the website I found the templates and instructions for in case you want to try it with your children next time they are home due to bad weather.

I have been quilting heaps of quilts too. This is a lovely Irish Chain by Jenny. I custom quilted it with a twist on traditional quilting.

I really dig the back too. Green on a natural muslin is lovely.

I also quilted a Quilt of Valor last Saturday on Quilt of Valor day.

I got carried away on this one and custom quilted it. Raylene pieced the top and back. I love quilting Raylenes quilts.

Here is a lovely Bargello quilt made from more of Shari's shirt stripes.

I love the border I quilted on this quilt. I definitely will be adding this design to my bag of tricks.

The body of the quilt was quilted with these arches.

This is Lori's Irish chain. I quilted it Classic Denyse Schmidt. I just love it.

Last but not least quilt is this feathered Star I quilted for Julie. It is made with the Downton Abby fabric collection. It is hard to tell but I quilted lots of feathers.

Here are some more peeks of what is going on in my studio. I am slowly quilting my massive Cross and Crown quilt. It is all my hand dyed linens and an old sheet for the back. I am using 2 layers of batting for this quilt. A deluxe Cotton and a wool. It is going to be so warm when it is finally finished! I love using my newly refit Gammill Supreme. It is so very nice to quilt with.

Over on the Statler is a rainbow quilt I am freehand quilting with all ruler work echoing triangles.

Here are our painted Pony Stampede. This is the project we worked on for the Snow days. All three kids and I worked on the horses. We got them painted and assembled rather quickly, but I didn't think out how I would mount them to the wall down in my studio. I solved that problem by using a blank canvas and Entomology pins. This was super fun and I totally recommend this project!

Ann Wood Card Board Stampede on Design Sponge.

Give that link a go!

OK, I need to go get the eggs before they freeze and vacuum before ladies come over the drop off/pick up their quilts.

Have the best Monday ever!!!

Tia Curtis




I taught a class and my other Long Arm is back!