So many awesome quilts so little time!

Hi There!

It has been ages since I blogged. I feel as if I have been sewing like "a cursed princess in a fairy tale" (that is from Downton Abbey, but I like to say it when ever I can. I am in no way cursed, but I have been doing sooooo much quilting lately). So much that I just can't find the time to sit and blog like I used to. When I do have the time there is one of my 3 kids sitting at the computer working on homework. When did all homework have to be done online? Maybe I need my own computer? The thing is that my computer is an iMac. It has been great these past 5 years....but I am not sure about getting a Mac book especially since my Gammill Statler is on a PC. We bought a laptop for me last year, but so far my husband has taken it over. 

OK, Lets look at a zillion pictures. I won't be able to give each quilt the glory it deserves. but when will I have the time to sit at the computer again? If it isn't on the blog it didn't happen right? This is my record. My portfolio.

First up this awesome quilt by Hillary. She is entropyalwayswins on Instagram. I have had a quilt crush on her for a while now and was pretty geeked out when she contacted me and wanted me to quilt for her. I used to crush on fabric designers, but now that I quilt all the time I have little crushes on quilt Makers. I love watching their process and watching them make from the screen of my phone. Long arm quilting can be a pretty lonely work...but with Instagram I feel like I have a tribe. Hillary is part of my tribe (in my imagination).

So, when I first saw this quilt I thought Tin Tile Ceiling. Do you have those old houses or shops with stunning tin tiles on the ceilings? We have a heap of them here in Leavenworth, Kansas. I love how all are different, pretty simple when looked at individually, but wildly stunning as an entire ceiling. So that is how I wanted to quilt her quilt.

Hillary choose double batting. A cotton blend on the bottom and a fluffy wool on top. I love quilters dream batting. The wool is so so good.

Next up is Susan's Double wedding ring. I quilted a Dear Jane for her not too long ago.  This is a wedding quilt for her son (I think). I knew that I needed to quilt it with a pretty quick turnaround. I thought I would do arcs in all the little squarish pieces, but that would have added a week at least to the quilting. I looked at a bunch of vintage and antique quilts and I loved how they just echo quilted inside the rings. That is what I did. It gives is a little bit of a modern spin...but in reality it is anything but modern.

Feathers are so awesome. Everyday!

And the back.

This awesome quilt is by Sue. She is in my Modern quilt guild here in Kansas City.She is a fairly new quilter and decided to jump in with Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt Blocks . She gave me acres of open space to quilt. Luckily I had just taken a Compositional Quilting Class with Krista Withers (who I have know for YEARS on the Internet. She is totally awesome in real life and we stayed up way to late talking and laughing about everything) . I knew that compositional quilting quilt be perfect for this quilt.

It took a long time to quilt, but it was worth every stitch. The batting is wool and that added fluff really makes all the quilting sing.

This was seriously so fun to quilt.

The blocks were fairly small, but I tried to make them unique with a little fancier quilting than Stitch in the Ditch,

Next up is an e2e quilt. in real life there were about 9 e2e quilts, but for some reason only this one slowed down enough to post for a picture. This e2e is really pretty, but takes SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long to quilt out.

While the above quilt was being quilted by my Stater, I quilted a sugar skull quilt for my very best friend on the planet. All the pieces were loosely glued to the piece of fabric below it. That was a bit of a surprise, but in the end it worked out ok.

I used my older machine on this quilt since it was more arty from conception.

Next up some sample sewing.....this will actually be listed in my shop as two smallish quilts. I thought it would be a good class sample, but the feedback has been that is looks too hard. It isn't really hard folks. just take it piece by piece.

Last up a Christmas quilt! Isn't this pretty? Gwen made it. The appliqued bits are wool and some parts were thick, but overall it worked out awesome. I love it and wish I would have made it!

This was another quilt that was so fun to quilt.

Thank you ladies for letting me quilt your quilts!


Still Here, Still Quilting!


Dreamscape quilt for Carrie Bloomston